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You must answer the questions on all screens before submitting your application. Once you have answered all questions, click the "Submit" button in the lower right corner to send your application to the WCB-Alberta (WCB).
All fields marked by "*" are mandatory.

Do I need Workers' Compensation?

Please submit this application if you:

  1. are currently employing workers, click here.
  2. require personal coverage for directors, owners or partners, click here.
  3. need a clearance letter, click here.

What is the Cost of Workers' Compensation?

Your annual workers' compensation premium is calculated using the total assessable earnings (including both worker assessable earnings and personal coverage) for the year, divided by 100 and multiplied by the premium rate. Minimum annual premium is $200.

You can find a list of current WCB premium rates here.

Some examples of how current-year premiums are calculated. Please note that the rates used below are for example purposes only:

1. Company A: personal coverage only

(a) personal coverage $40,000
(b) worker assessable earnings $0
(capped by per worker maximum earnings)
(c) total assessable earnings (a+b) $40,000
(d) current year rate (per $100 of earnings) $1.00
(e) premium (c×d/100) $400.00

Premium for the year is $400.

2. Company B: premium less than $200 minimum

(a) personal coverage $0
(b) worker assessable earnings $4,000
(capped by per worker maximum earnings)
(c) total assessable earnings (a+b) $4,000
(d) current year rate (per $100 of earnings) $2.00
(e) premium (c×d/100) $80.00

Since premium of $80.00 is less than the WCB's $200 minimum amount, premium for the year is $200.

3. Company C: personal coverage and worker assessable earnings

(a) personal coverage $90,000
(b) worker assessable earnings $210,000
(capped by per worker maximum earnings)
(c) total assessable earnings (a+b) $300,000
(d) current year rate (per $100 of earnings) $1.50
(e) premium (c×d/100) $4,500.00

Premium for the year is $4,500.

Company identification

Legal business name or applicant name

A legal business name is typically any individual, proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association, or other organization that has the legal capacity to make a contract or an agreement and the ability to assume an obligation and to discharge a debt.

The legal business name should not be confused with a trade name. A trade name is the name used by your business to distinguish your goods and services from those of other businesses.

Operation/trade name (if applicable)

If your company uses a name other than its legal name to distinguish its goods and services from those of other businesses, provide it here.

CRA business number

If you have one, enter the nine digit business number used by the Canada Revenue Agency to track corporate income tax, imports and exports, payroll deductions, and the goods and services tax.

Business type

Business type

Categorize the legal status of your business:


A person who has the legal capacity to enter into contacts and may or may not employ workers.


An individual who owns and operates a business and who does not employ workers.


A contractual relationship between two or more persons carrying on a business.


A limited liability enterprise that has been registered as a corporation.


Any legal entity that does not fall under one of the above definitions. Examples include unincorporated municipalities and unincorporated associations.

Other Information


Information on your company website may help the WCB in determining whether you qualify for coverage, and may assist in assigning the correct industry classification to your operations.

Have you or this business organization ever been registered with WCB under the above name or any other business name?

Answer "yes" if one of the following conditions apply:

You will be asked to provide your former WCB account number and the name associated with your earlier account. Providing accurate information will expedite the application.

Have you purchased this business?

If you have recently purchased your business, you may qualify under the previous owner's account number. Providing accurate information about the previous owner will help WCB in determining your eligibility and correct classification.